how does rufus use dana to get to alice

The needs and well-being of other residents of the plantation create a web of obligation that is difficult to navigate. He asked. Toms selfishness constantly wins out over helping anyone else. Rufus tries to make Dana stay in his time period, and fill the spot in his life that Alice left. Dana's modern upbringing has given her greater ability to resist Rufus because Dana has more options for preserving her safety than Alice ever had. One day Dana realizes how Rufus plans to punish her for Weylin's death: Fowler, a new overseer, comes and tells her she will work in the field that day. Rufus has an intense fear of abandonment, as his mother and father have now left him and he has never experienced a healthy relationship. "So what else do I have to lose?" Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs Rufus again ignores Danas wishes for her own life, yet his apology suggests that he still wants Dana to like him, despite how unfairly he treats her. Rufus cuts Dana off from any attention except his own, expressing his love for Dana by trying to own her completely. Dana states: "It was that destructive single . Read an in-depth analysis of Rufus Weylin. 1041 words. Finally, Rufus comes to. What is the connection between Dana and Alice? When Rufus sells Sam and hits Dana, he takes away any possibility that Dana has control over her own life at the Weylin plantation. Does Alice use Dana? Despite the abuse Dana has just suffered at a white persons hands, she is still capable of remembering that white people (like Kevin) can show love and mercy. Rufus fantasy of bruising her skin is also an example of how superior he feels to the ability of damaging pure white skin., Something both Dana and Alice would have in common more than just looks and skin color would be the subjects of the Weylin mens tempers. For three months, Amari faced so many challenges on her trip to America, to become a slave. Why does Dana refuse to leave the house after her first "trip"? The needs and well-being of other residents of the plantation create a web of obligation that is difficult to navigate. The author helps reader to understand the emotions by portraying love being love, no matter what difference is amongst the two in the relationship through expressing thoughts and events. Nigel. What is the name of the son Alice and Rufus have? Dana tries to convince Rufus to free all his slaves in his will, but Rufus says she might kill him if he does that. The good Lord wouldnt want me to lose something as precious as my virginity to a man whom I am not married to. While she initially has hopes that she can be a positive influence on him and curtail the influences from his mother and father, she inevitably fails. The needs and well-being of other residents of the plantation create a web of obligation that is difficult to navigate. Read an in-depth analysis of Rufus Weylin. Despite her fondness for Rufus, she thinks she would kill him if he tried to rape her. The concept of identity can be also associated to an adolescents socio-emotional development. Dana hadn't considered the possibility. Dana reflects that Rufus loves her because she cares about him. Only then does she see the fireplace in the room where she could have safely let the drapes burn, but luckily the curtains land . Rufus grows up to have children with Alice, but Alice hangs herself when Rufus lies to her about selling their children to a slave trader. Dana has to keep Rufus safe so that he can keep running the Weylin plantation and keep as many of the slaves together as possible. Likewise, who is Luke Kindred? By emphasizing the importance of family and home throughout her narrative, Jacobs connects it to universal values with which her Northern readers will empathize. Does Alice also use Dana?" Yet rather than blaming Rufus for causing all of this pain, Sams sister directs her rage Dana. What are the similarities between Dana's relationship with Rufus and her relationship with Kevin in "Kindred"? How is Dana's influence evident on the adult Rufus? Women slaves get raped, beaten, and tortured by the crew. Dana has no idea how to help Rufus get well, so Nigel suggests that Sarah make the tea she usually makes to help ague. Is Rufus an improvement over his father? Dana realizes that if Sarah were around in . Not only has Alice had to allow Rufus to rape her, but she is also scorned by other slaves, who only see that Alice gets to live in the house and do easier tasks because of her position as mistress. Rufus has already shown himself to be untrustworthy, of course. "In Kindred,Dana finds herself caught in the middle of the relationship between Rufus and Alice. Alice may be happy that her daughter looks like her, but darker skin is more dangerous for mixed race children. A riverbank. Rufus said,"I know you, Dana. He longs to be loved but expects to always get his way, using coercion and violence if he is denied. Dana must also battle her conscience. 2. how does rufus use dana to get to alice how does rufus use dana to get to alice. Alices culture and background are the foundation of every decision she makes and thus, throughout the entire autobiography, the reader observes the implications of this, and often, the divide this creates. A few days later, Alice hands Dana some papers she found in Rufus' bag. This because she is a capricious protagonist who can be perceived as utterly, unstable and unreliable. Why does Rufus use Dana to get Alice? Accessed 5 Mar. Already a member? After the fight, what promise does Rufus make to Dana? Does Alice use Dana? 15. Does Alice also use Dana?" She fights for her freedom throughout the book, not caring that her position as a slave requires that she be compliant and invisible. Dana has an outsiders perspective on the master-slave relationship, seeing how there is a familial aspect to how the slaves feel for Rufus even as they also hate how he oppresses them. She narrowly rescues the pills from a small slave girl who was trying to open the bottle, thinking it was candy. Why does Rufus use Dana to get to Alice? Joe Weylin. 10. Rufus is the master of Alice whom he tries to control by making Alice love him, but he know that she never will. Without that assurance, Dana knows that death would be better than actually living as Rufuss slave. Rufus says that if Dana doesn't convince Alice to do this, then he will make the women's lives miserable. Rufuss lack of interest in Joe seems to come from both his own fathers example of disengaged parenting and the feeling that Joe is not truly his son because Joe is half black. Rufus. Dana is furious, and tells him that he killed Alice. She runs away numerous times, the first time, losing her husband, Isaac. Title: Rufus and Alice's Relationship The Relationship of Rufus and Dana, severely twisted and strained over the time they've known each other, is a staple throughout the book and reminds the reader that even with Danas influence in his life Rufus cannot become an improved man. How does Dana lose her arm in Kindred? Latest answer posted June 14, 2008 at 5:26:23 PM. Edna Pontelliers defiant nature is brought out. Choose a specific incident and determine who holds power over whom; assess how it affects that situation. Rufus tries to have power over Dana and Alice who are both black. Yet Rufus does not respect either woman as he should, making this relationship far more unhealthy and detrimental than Dana and Kevins marriage. In stories meant to scare the reader, transformation symbolizes the cultural changes occuring in society. How does Kevin's feelings about Dana's time travel change once he travels back in time with her? Only then does she see the fireplace in the room where she could have safely let the drapes burn, but luckily the curtains land . Her name is Alice Greenwood, and she converts into a slave because of her first partner because she was born as a free black woman. To teach Rufus tolerance. Log in here. Choose a specific incident and determine who holds power over whom . If Rufus feels like being magnanimous, he . He also doesn't care about Dana in some points because he punishes her when she doesn't listen to him or do anything he tells her to do. Through the book, Romiette and Julio, it explains that True love cannot end and the power of love is un-defeated., Slaves, male and female, were subjected to similar hardships. Dana's ancestor, son of Tom Weylin and heir to the plantation, master of Alice, father of Joe and Hagar. Dana and Nigel take care of Rufus like family, giving up their own comfort for his sakethough Rufus would never do the same for them. Rufus tells Dana to convince Alice to sleep with him, and in return, will mail letters telling Kevin that Dana is back. Dana helps Rufus see that Joe is worthy of Rufuss attention and even has much in common with his fatheryet Rufus does not seem bothered that his own flesh and blood is still a slave. Rufus always looks for the easy way out, as when he asks Dana for a modern pen instead of dealing with the tricky ink pens of his time. The reader perceives the social division Alices culture generates and the impact this has on relationships in and out of the home, and also in Alices ability to assimilate. In Danas case, giving Rufus some obedience allows her to have some room to teach other slaves to read and hopefully give the next generation the tools to better their lives. This is not accepted in any form during this day and age. The lifestyle of the charaters in both stories go from calm to abnormal, they differ in scary elements. The needs and well-being of other residents of the plantation create a web of obligation that is difficult to navigate. Danas inability to nurture Rufus into a more socially enlightened man cause her to question. 16. She wrote late at night, and to make ends meet, she did menial jobs assigned to her by a temp office, which they called a "slave market." While working at an auto parts warehouse, she met Kevin. These poor choices can greatly affect the ones you care about along the world around you. She turns. Sarah tells Dana that the slave traders cut off Isaac's ears. Does Alice use Dana? Describe what happens when the Patrols arrive at Alice's house. For example, in the stories House Taken Over and The Feather Pillow the authors use transformation and scary elements that happen to the charters to frighten us. Rufus. Joes light skin gives him a small chance of passing for white, whereas Hagars dark skin means that she will always be treated as a slave. Kevins time in the past has clearly marked him. Why does Alice's mother agree to help Dana, only to block the doorway when the patroller returns? Though Kevins presence was helpful to Dana in the past, it is more important that he stay away from that poisonous society and give Dana a safe home to come back to in the present. Dana sits on a bed and watches a small red-haired boy, who looks like an older version of Rufus, accidentally set fire to the drapes with a burning stick.Realizing the danger of a fire in a wooden house, Dana gathers up the curtains and throws them out the window. Click to see full answer. After finding out that Rufus has lied about mailing the letters, Dana attempts to run away, but is caught and maliciously whipped. However, Alice decides that her love for her children means that she must make this sacrifice in order to give her children the chance of growing up in freedom. She wants to know where she can find Alice's cabin in the woods because Alice and her mother are freed slaves and Dana thinks she can stay with them. This is why Rufus and Dana's relationship . This is made possible by the presence of an overseer who handles discipline so that the master can retain the appearance of love and care for his slaves. Dana is a twenty-six year old African American woman; she is smart, bold, independent, and perspicacious. Margaret Weylin resents Dana for several reasons, most of them motivated by jealousy. Read an in-depth analysis of Rufus Weylin. WHat year is it now in the Past? How many years is Kevin left back in the Antebellum south? The struggle reflects the characters contrasting ideas about their heritage and identity. Click to see full answer. The Black Mary helped Lily think about her life, as well as what could be done to make it better. She tells the black man and Alice that they'll have no chance of surviving if they kill Rufus. Alice calls her a traitor to all black people. One of the crew members Amari meets on the ship secretly helps her learn English. Dana feels obligated to make sure that Kevin continued to fight for abolition and equality even when he was surrounded by a society that promised him total impunity and immense power as a white male. The slaves show true love for their families rather than the twisted and strained love of the Weylins. Rufus, taking the place that Kevin has previously held, shows some mercy by getting Dana back to the house, but he has no concept of compassion for the pain that Dana has just endured. I would say his home is much bigger than the slave's homes, and Dana's. 7. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Sarah worries that Dana's frank talk is going to get her in trouble. They become friend after the date at lunch and eventually their friendship changed to relationship. 13. We see Lily begin to fall in love with a black boy named Zach who lives with the Boatwrights. I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. She wonders why she does not hate him, as Alice does, and why she keeps forgiving him. I will be investigating power show more content She dissolves three aspirin in water and has Nigel hold Rufus down while she forces Rufus to drink it. 15. Why does Alice do it? Danas modern medical knowledge again comes in handy as she attempts to stop Rufuss malaria from spreading and potentially killing herself or some of the Weylin slaves. She did not see the difference of skin color and believed it was perfectly normal to socialize with whites. What finally convinces Alice to go to Rufus willingly? Read More. She waits for Rufus to wake up, hoping that Alice and Isaac will have a good head start in fleeing. I have spent some time with students discussing genre and the way that Octavia Butler blends certain genres and forms. Dana needs to keep Rufus alive long enough, so that Rufus and Alice could have Dana's ancestor. Danas comparison of Kevin to Tom and Rufus shows that she is worried that Kevin has adopted the Antebellum way of thinking along with his accent, and will no longer respect her as his equal partner. After she time travels back to the early 1800s, she has to save Rufus from . For example, when Dana is caught by Tom reading in the cookhouse in front of Nigel didnt I tell you I didnt want you reading! (106) Tom justifies the whipping for disobedience on more than just reading I treated you good and you pay me back by stealing from me (106). Dana states: "It was that destructive single . 9. First, I wouldn't say that Dana finds herself caught in the middle of the . Rather than leaving the slaves as completely powerless to their masters will, Butler explains that all slaves are simply making the rational choice to be obedient to their masters in order to avoid greater pain. Jealousy alone is one of the leading causes of irrational decision-making in our society. They bonded over stories of unsupportive relatives. Rufus uses Alice as a victim for Dana to protect because her queue to leave would be her future child, Hagar. Jacobs attributes the success of her escape to a communal effort, but the importance of relationships in her narrative extends far beyond this aspect of her story. Magical Realism is realistic fiction. Rufus shows Dana a letter Kevin sent to Weylin. Dana is a strong, independent woman who has made a name for herself as a published author. He knows that Alice is not interested in him; in fact, she has flat out rejected his advancements, an embarrassment he can not. Dana said, "Rufus decided to punish me for letting that old man die". What are "Patrols"? It is simply that the thought of Rufus and I together makes me utterly sick. Her Aunt Redd takes over the throne as Queen Alyss is cast out of Wonderland and has to find her way home to retake her throne. Telling Rufus that one husband is enough is also a subtle warning that Dana does not want to sleep with Rufus. Dana states: "It was that destructive single . What remark does Rufus make about Dana's pants? The constant concerns over Danas clothing show how misplaced the Weylins sense of propriety is. Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. The self-confidence that Dana has gained from her education and upbringing in a time where black people are at least assured basic rights gives her some power to stand up to Tom in a way that other slaves are not always able to do. Where did he . Be sure to cite evidence from the text to support your Dana states: "It was that destructive single . Spending time in the past shaped Dana and Kevin's personalities and sense of right/wrong b. Not him, not ever." What does Dana learn about her? From yours? Let me think: was I the same when I got up this morning? To do so, Sethe brings her, The story centers around one day when the older daughter, Dee, visits from college after time away and a conflict arises between them over some heirloom family possessions. Throughout the novel non-whites were discriminated constantly, being that their social class were always under whites. The chapters are lengthy, so that is still a lot of material to comb through. Rufus rapes and enslaves Alice and attempts to rape and enslave Dana. In Addition to that in the nightmare that she is having, a male voice speaks to her and her best friend Destiny told her that it might be her soul mate. She does not make very much money and starts to get used to living in run down apartments, but that is about as tough as Teachers and parents! The relationship between dana and rufus in kindred. How does Kevin and Dana's relationship progress in the book Kindred, even though Dana keeps going back and forth in time? Alice wants Dana to keep resisting her life as a slave, even when it is far easier to simply be obedient. LitCharts Teacher Editions. She goes on to point out that the happy home and family are those blessings from which slave women are excluded., At first, Amari needs strength to survive her horrible trip to America. In Graham Greenes novel, The End of the Affair, he was able to illustrate the story of Maurice Bendrix and Sarah Miles affair through various perspectives. A dangerous sense of distance has come between the couple that must be addressed if they ever want to fit into the present once more. Rufus tries to have power over Dana and Alice who are both black. Alices engagement within the varied episodes with such characters as the fictional character, the Caterpillar, the milliner and therefore the Queen cause her to question her own identity, While disrupting the image of Sarah as the doting mammy figure, Butler places Dana into that role by making her be responsible for Rufus. In this tale, Alice follows a talking White Rabbit, down the well with the help of pool of tears, and into a garden wherever she encounters a Mad Hatters party, a game of croquet compete with living things, and an endeavor of the Knave of Hearts. Danas close association with Rufus and Margaret has led the other slaves to believe that she is more loyal to the white Weylins than to her fellow slaves. In the novel we see power and corruption dynamics play out in multiple ways between Rufus and Dana. Rufus tells her that his father thinks he should just sleep with Dana. Butler shows the many abuses that black women in particular had to deal with.