Assembly Bill A416 Allows the governor to imprison without trial anyone she considers a threat to public health ( CURRENT BILL STATUS STRICKEN) Relates to the removal of cases, contacts and carriers of communicable diseases that are potentially dangerous to the public health. The bill doesnt specifically mention the coronavirus, meaning it would be applicable to any contagious disease or condition that merits the governors attention. Hochuls effort follows the recent withdrawal of New York Assembly Bill A416 that would have allowed the arrest and imprisonment of suspected public health risks Introduced by Democrat Assemblyman Noah Nicholas Perry, Bill A416 gives the governor the authority to declare an individual a threat to public health and then get this the person or group of persons shall be detained in a medical facility or other appropriate facility or premises [. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); FIRST PRESS CONFERENCE Canadian Freedom Convoy2022, NYC Mayor Says Feb 11th Deadline to get covidshot, Its creation had nothing to do with the COVID-19 crisis, he added, and despite being reintroduced, Perry hasnt pushed the bill or solicited sponsorships. 3. Will New York Become Americas First Fascist State? State Legislature to Debate Quarantine Camp Bill January 5th WebPopular Bills in 2019-2020 Regular Session. New York prepares for "camps". Only if and when the detention extends beyond three days must the governor or his delegeeseek out a court for any sort of authorization and only if the suspects explicitly request release (assuming theyre allowed to). "No, the governor doesnt want to open up concentration camps," Cuomos senior adviser, Rich Azzopardi, told PolitiFact. Theyve even gone so far as to make physical threats. Per a statement to Reuters from Assembly Member Richard Gottfried, Chair of the Assembly Health Committee, the committee does not plan to put the bill on an agenda This bill has been introduced every year since 2015, has never been taken up by the Committee, has not been cosponsored by other legislators, and has not had a companion bill in the Senate, according to Gottfrieds office. What were seeing with this bill is the birth of American concentration camps. Hochuls discretion. Enjoy the REAL news at your fingertips. Cuomos office, meanwhile, says they werent aware of the bill until recently. In January 2021, a New York State Government bill, Assembly Bill A416, entered the New York State Legislature. Because we believe in the truth prevailing, and that means we will continue to discuss taboo topics. If the above language were to be made clearer, it would read: NYC has the power to remove individuals from public life that have COVID or are suspected of having come into contact with carriers of the disease. The bill specifically states that if, in the opinion of the governor, theres clear and convincing evidence that the health of others is or may be endangered by a suspected case, contact or carrier of a contagious disease, the governor and heads of local health departments can detain the person or group of persons via a single order., The apparent suspects will then be detained in a medical facility or other appropriate facility or premises designated by the governor or his or her delegee.. 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This bill will result in the arrest and detainment of unvaccinated American citizens, As if theKey to NYCprogram wasnt dystopian enough, New York is now looking to pass a bill granting the state permission to remove and detain anyonesuspected of beinga significant threat to public health.. Jussie Smollett is once again in the headlines. Change). We cannot allow that to happen. ButHochulis attempting to give herself entirely new powers through the regulatory back door. In this statement, he urged a careful reading of the bill. The bill is set to be discussed in the New York State Assembly's Health Committee on Wednesday. 1. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEMBLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A416 cannot be supported as it violates several provisions of the New York Constitution. 00:01. While the bill has not yet reached New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's office, Richard Azzopardi, a senior adviser to Cuomo, told Newsweek via email, "We didn't even know about this bill, which has no sponsor in the senate, until this weekend. 5, 2022. Bill to Make Daylight Saving Permanent Re-Emerges From the Dark With liberty falling all over the Western world, it makes sense that New York would lead the way towards our dive into tyranny. 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BizPacReview |, Maher declares war on trigger warnings: Its like if seat belts were made out of broken glass, If they dont get out, Im going to take them out one by one: Anti-white texts spark DOE probe, Maher points out COVID dissenters are looking pretty good right now, Russell Brand crushes MSNBC to network analysts face: Propagandist nut-crackery, Avalanche risk forces authorities to close Mt. Bill Search and Legislative Information | New York State Assembly Additionally, the bill also states that the governor or relevant health authorities could have the power to require certain individuals to undergo a "prescribed course of treatment, preventative medication or vaccination, including directly observed therapy to treat the disease and following infection control provisions for the disease.". New York According to data from Johns Hopkins University, there are currently more than 1 million confirmed COVID cases in the state, as well as at least 38,415 deaths. No such bill is being voted on in the New York State Assembly on Jan. 5, 2022. Nutritionals are not approved by the FDA at this time. CHECK OUT WeThePeople.storefor best SWAG! New York bill New York The West Virginia State House passed a similar bill on Wednesday. Says Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he wants Americas sons and daughters to go die in Ukraine., In Ohio, there are 75,000 acres of farmland, fertile farmland, that are all now being poured down with acid rain., Muslims by the millions are converting to Christianity.. Mississippi Gov. Race-Hate Hoaxer Jussie Smollett Demands A New Trial. Assembly Bill A416 2021-2022 Legislative Session. Such fears would perhaps be unwarranted were there not so much evidence of political leaders particularly Democrat ones abusing their authority to ostensibly control the spread of the coronavirus. They are taking away our advertising revenue, censoring our content,and threatening to de-platform us. Bill Search; Advanced Search . If a comment is spam, instead of replying to it please click the icon below and to the right of that comment. 727-821-9494. stated on January 4, 2021 in a Facebook post: New York is trying to pass a bill that would allow them to round up non mask wearers and people who dont want to take the vaccine into concentration camps. Backyard chicken flocks have stopped laying eggs, and the feed is responsible. Claim: Legislation proposed in the New York State Senate in 2021 called for the establishment of COVID-19 \u201cdetention camps.\u201d Users and blogs have referred to a bill (A.416) first proposed in 2015 (here) that aimed to amend public health law in relation to the removal of cases, contacts and carriers of communicable diseases who are potentially dangerous to the public health and is viewable (here). The New York state senate is pushing a bill that will allow government officials to apprehend and indefinitely detain people who are considered a threat to the public based on their health status. Chickens arent laying eggs because RNA is being added to commercial chicken feed., Bill Gates tweeted that vaccines in our food supply solves the problem of vaccine hesitancy., Harvard Medical School students learn how to care for LGBTQIA+ infants.. Term: 2023-24 2021-22 2019-20 2017-18 2015-16 2013-14 2011-12 2009-10 2007-08 2005-06 2003-04 2001-02 1999-00. Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. Since it was first presented in 2015, the bill has remained in stalemate and never moved beyond the committee stage to the Assembly Floor. Republican Sen. Joey Fillingane, of Sumrall, said the new implications could cause Mississippi to fall behind other states in the race to attract investment from electric car companies. If a New Yorker is picked up on the whim of some health department worker, they will have to wait at least three days to have a hearing but only after a hearing is formally requested, from your detention cell, in a yet-to-be-determined state-designated facility. These are very serious violations that will result if A416 is passed. Governor We must stay vigilant, not only of legislation in our own states but also of that which could impact other states. The bill refers to these people as carriers or contacts of COVID-19. We had 5,657,724 sessions on our website from November, 2020, through February, 2021. In a world of wild talk and fake news, help us stand up for the facts. Bill Get the latest BPR news delivered free to your inbox daily. Thank you for your time and service. Weve strongly considered seeking angel investors in the past but because we were paying the bills, it didnt seem necessary. Those who dont want to be oppressed by their government will flee to red states, making New York devoid of any rational and freedom-loving Americans. The Gateway Pundit reports Bill A416 relates to the removal of cases, contacts and carriers of communicable diseases that are potentially dangerous to the public health. The Governor would have sweeping powers to indefinitely detain American citizens and put them in internment camps . It seeks to amend the New York health law so that if someone or a group of someones comes down with a communicable disease, the state can remove them and place them in a detention facility for being potentially dangerous to others. Detention would be allowed at anytime not just during declared states of emergency. Perry announced his intention to remove the bill from the calendar through a statement published via his social media channels on Dec. 21, 2021 (here), (here). "We have real things to do. It sat in the assembly for six years and never went anywhere until it was finally withdrawn by the sponsor. While we were never as dependent on Big Tech as most conservative sites, wed like to be completely free from them. New York Senate bill A416 is set to come up for vote on January 6, 2021. Once some health department worker thinks a New Yorker is a carrier or contact to a carrier, that person could be seized and held without hearing, trial, due process or bond for a period of time to be determined by the health department. Read more about our fact-checking work here . Assembly Bill A416 relates to the removal of cases, contacts and carriers of communicable diseases who are potentially dangerous to the public health. I would say you cant make this up but people like Aldous Huxley and George Orwell came close. "New York is trying to pass a bill that would allow them to round up non mask wearers and people who dont want to take the vaccine into concentration camps," one popular post on Facebook reads. As far as medications go, never abruptly discontinue any medication unless you undergo medically supervised detox by a board certified medical doctor. New York This bill is not only a threat to the Constitution of New York and the people of New York but also to everyone in America if you consider the way certain legislation can spread throughout America in this age of crisis.. You also agree to our. "We didnt even know this bill existed.". The best way NOQ Report readers can help is to donate. New Yorkers cannot allow that to happen. New York Just when sun worshipers lost hope for longer days in gloomy winter months, the Senate may give permanent daylight saving another try. Below is a sample script created by Liberty First Legal for every New Yorker to use if they want to contact their representatives and demand they vote no: I am writing as a citizen of the State of New York and your constituent asking you to vote no on A416. Do you think this legislation is unconstitutional? ", "It apparently has been around six years, never left the first step of the committee process and everyone's crazy uncle needs to knock it off," Azzopardi told Newsweek. At the end of articles not authored by provides links to the sources of original content when not originally authored. And whos to say youre going to be permitted to leave the detention area youre sent to? The language defining who could be detained is so broad it could include anybody including those who have not received Covid injections. These are just a few, but very serious, violations that will result if A416 is passed. Bill FantasyFootBub (@FantasyFootBub) January 3, 2021. House: For example, if someone is potentially infected with a dangerous disease and they went to a bar, the Governor could declare that anyone who was at the bar that night should be detained until they are cleared. A416 cannot be supported as it violates several provisions of the New York Constitution. A bill is not being voted on in the New York State Assembly on Jan. 5, 2022 to detain unvaccinated people. The public health law is amended by adding a new section 2120-a to read as follows: