Im O- and not taking any stupid vaccine. But it can affect your babys health, and it raises your risk of getting type 2 diabetes later in life. very interesting information. Thanks for posting! Science today has no explanation as to where the Rh negative factor originates well, it originates with the Elohiym family godhead. to learn more. A lot of debate about angels and demons surrounds the interpretation of these mysterious passages. js = d.createElement(s); = id; (Jude 1:7). Im O+ and Im extremely empathetic towards others, I have a strong affinity to others emotional wellbeing, its so bad I struggle around others grief because I cant control the pain I feel for them, especially when they I should be strong for them. Rh negative blood is found among the Ethiopians at a frequency of 8%. 1 Peter 1:19 but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ. Their language origins are still unknown as it does not derive from Proto-Indo Aryan like all other European/Asian languages. The O negative blood type is particularly helpful in emergency situations. The "+" or "-" you might see after your blood type refers to Rh positive or Rh negative. Conclusion. Leviticus 17 11. Having an Rh negative blood type is not an illness and usually does not affect your health. 57 yrs old, female, living on a working farm. Their intelligence often comes across as being rude, arrogant, or cocky to others who . Ive suffered migraines since age 5. Maybe we are different like that. not of the Earth. While we may not have a specific verse that addresses the issue of RH negative blood and its implications, the bible offers important principles on the matter. And neither of my parents were little growing people who jumped out of a spaceship. Youre not alone!! So instead, they invert a male to a female, and the future babies are born by concubine. For that reason, people with this blood type often seek out others with the same personality traits to find friendships. From their holy parents, the RH-negative blood type. Rh neg and never sick, and a fear of heights, too. Importance. Hello, Im Rh B- and I am biracial as well, my father is black and my mother is European. Just a shot once or twice each pregnancy. Are you saying Wikipedia says it was her husband, but it was her son. What's special about Rh negative blood? And they took as their wives any they chose. Scholars, historians, rabbis, pastors, and Bible readers have been asking questions like these for thousands of years: How does the Bible introduce the Nephilim? 4. Fortunately, the Australians found a donor within the country and my mothers wasnt required. Hebrews tell us why, when it speaks of redemption through the ultimate sacrifice of Christ. LOL~NO!! The surface of RH-negative blood did not follow the usual evolutionary path. The Samaritans and the Black Cochin Jew also . Dear folks, Christianity speaks about life and death in each evidence. John 6:55 For My flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink. The Bible tells us that, Rh-negative blood started from the Watcher angels. Genesis is the first place in the Bible where the Nephilim, considered to be as rare as Rh Negative blood, are mentioned. Ive looked into it and the best I can tell, actual ETs, reptilians specifically, are behind it. I have done quite a bit of research in to the Basque people. RH negative cannot be cloned. i am RH-B. I am regularly active blonde hair blue eyes 30 this year, one partner since that surgery, last year had myocardial infarction, and what I believe is showing as a gestation percentage makes COMPLETE sense months later (last December) only 4 months ago they told me I have 2 nodules in my lungs and one in my breast I have NEVER had medical issues, never had to see the doctor, and all of a sudden these things come up one after another. Were just special. There are some Bible verses that talk about the importance of blood as a subsetance that contains (and can sustain) life. The Rh-Negative blood type, also called the Blood of the Gods, is associated with Nephilims lineage. I prefer it to hanging out with the other residents. The Bible also points out one more important fact that ties together blood types together with the origin of different genetics. About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene. Which is to say, totally Caucasian. I too have a fear of heights and never get really sick. You are doing the right things. If the mothers antibodies mixed with her second childs blood, they would attack and destroy the childs blood cells. And goats could take on our sins, the hero of this world. Deuteronomy 12:23 Only be sure not to eat the blood, for the blood is the life, and you shall not eat the life with the flesh. A protein on your blood cells. Introduction 2. The remaining 85% are Rh positive, making them more favorable. Leviticus 17:14 For as for the life of all flesh, its blood is identified with its life. The flood narrative makes clear that the judgment waters destroyed everyone and everything on the earth, except for those in the ark (e.g. Stanford At The Tech Ask A Geneticist I dont have extra vertebrae nor a slender rib. magnesium in the serum may not be bad, but the RBC absorbs it slowly. ], 7 Best Kids Christian Books in [Must Read! Got H1n1 once (2009), and got SARSCOV2 once in March 2020 and havent felt ill since. . My research says otherwise. When we put out with the whole Bible in truth, blood gets going 362 times in the old testament. Experts think that the Rh negative piece of the action is a variety that transpired due to a passage over the game. And of the RH-negative factor in the Basque people. And interbreeding with human women in the pre-flood era. Those wearing masks when they dont have to are the group in society that cant be trusted. Hollywood is absolutely loaded with inversions, so many that I cant even begin to list them, but theres so many that its just plain creepy. Anyone diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at an older age should demand the physician check out your pancreas, since late onset diabetes type 1 is associated with pancreatic cancer. The first was that doctors began to see a pattern with the disease and to understand how the Rh factor was involved in sickness and death. The Rh-negative blood type is given voice to be of foreign origin. Ever. The word Nephilim is loosely translated as giants in some translations of the Hebrew Bible but left untranslated in others. One big beef is the medical community treats the negatives same as the positives with no consideration we are different. Often I just know things. Even today, a stout number of people. (Documented) Bible readers have debated the identity of the Nephilim for nearly three thousand years. Im rh negative as well. So if they say "negative," they really mean "Rh-negative." In fact, Rhesus monkeys, which also contain the Rh factor gene, are referred to as "Rhesus." Did Rh-negative blood originate from reptiles? This Blood Type May Develop COVID Antibodies. Rh factor isn't indicated in this study. What does the Bible say about rh negative blood? Some women have a very, very weak Rh. It supposedly originated in a small village in the Netherlands. True or false: All U.S. Presidents but one are/were Rh negative, Assortative mating on blood type: Evidence from one million Chinese pregnancies. Here is my new Amazon article: and had problems with my children. I am generally healthy with viruses but do have T2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, and a fatty liver. In fact, the first one was actually the initial exchange ever done in Upstate New York in 1961, performed at Watertown, NY. Itleads toa build up of antibodies in the mothers blood that causes it to fight or react to pregnancy of the second child resulting to death. So she is correct. Am fairly healthy at 85 years of age, take supplement vitamins, light blood pressure meds and glucosamine. Hey Yvette, just wanted to hello and thank you for commenting. Add to this, the old churches with crosses on steeples and the bell towers with the church bells. to learn more. The whole reason why the reptilians enslaved the royals to enslave the rest of us is just because they parasite off of our energy. In Northern Spain and Southern France. ], 7 Top Christian Books On Purpose In 2023 [Find It! They where neither black or white and where referred to as the builders They migrated eventually towards the nile thus bringing us the pyramids and than north settling in Spain. In other words, God destroyed the Nephilim. Vaccinesare a racket, meant to makepharma rich, and make more patients for them to treat to get more rich. And having an Rh-Negative has so many advantages in terms of health and intelligence as they say. Studies showthat the 15% of humans who lack the rhesus factor are gifted with natural resistance to HIV, small pox and bubonic plague. what-does-the-bible-say-about-rh-negativ is used by eseginmwat in What-does-the-bible-say-about-rh-negative-blood [EXCLUSIVE] Never ever get sick and never take meds. There is one more way in which the Bible refers to blood that many people are already familiar with: the blood of Christ. Hebrews 2 14-16; Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery. took my blood. Best wishes, We got this!!! This explains the weakness in Rhesus negative people against several types of diseases and illnesses. Nobody knows where it came from except that there was a mutation over a thousand years ago. In due time creating giants known as Nephilims. Each interpretation is controversial in the 21st century. I have little to do with the medical community. Me too. My Dad was O+. According to the research I have done, it does not alter DNA. positive note. Rhesus null being extreemly rare. If you are still questioning the Rh negative blood type Jesus, you know in every respect its HB that involves holy blood. Who made stout additions in biology. RH Negative is rare, and even science is not sure about its origin. With all due respect, my friend..Ya might need to do a little more research, J/S..the highest pop % of Negs are indeed Caucasians ~ w/the highest concentration being in Basque ~ located between Spain & France. But there are other crucial antigens on some red cells also. Many years ago, there was a world-wide call out for donors when an Australian man who shared my mothers group required a transfusion. The Word still talks about blood in several different, important ways including the blood of Christ, to the blood that can be shed in times of war or conflict. The term blood, throughout references to Christ, is less literal. I distinctly recall science discussing, 20 years ago, that there were people that seemingly were immune to HIV, and theories arose that their ancestors had survived the bubonic plagues in Europe. Ac. I was having heart palpations from anxiety and I have skin issues and stomach problems,GURD,Acid reflex. I wont be having the vaccine. It speaks to our faith, and how close we are able to live to Christs teachings and examples. Ive always had awful allergies/eczema and asthma. If an expecting mother is Rh negative and her baby is . The fact that one person is born with the blood type of a minority means nothing to God, who loves us all so dearly. Jan 12, 2017 at 12:49 pmExhaust Fan Said: (function(d, s, id) { Theyre super into their own bloodlines, because supposedly they were bred with the reptilians somehow, which was done to make them more cold hearted. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. . Although there is not one specific mention of blood type in the Bible, many people interpret these references to the Nephilim as referring to Rh negative blood types. Hi, Im Rh B- the shot they give you is after giving birth so you will have a better chance of not miscarrying when you have other children. The Bible Information Copyright 2022. There is information about children born to rhesus negative mothers avaliable also. Read what he said before asking silly questions that he has already answered. They do a lot of gender inversions, too, since the idols they worship are both genders, and because things get weird with tracking the blood and needing a mate of a different gender from whats available. I have always had stomach issues my entire life, just the past 2 years my stomach has been good. RH Negative blood is sourced from the original angelic human DNA from the stars, as such they may be called Starseed people. As a rh- myself, 10 times being sick seems like a lot. Have so many allergies. Note where it says that a huge preponderance of Rh- people are white Europeans, who are actually the lost tribes of the Israelites of old, and vanishingly few Africans or Asians. Or maybe Europe had more of the Earths leigh lines which were helpful? The Date of the Crucifixion, Using the Bible to Become More Feminine: A Guide for Christian Women, How God Created the World: A Look at the Bibles Account of Creation. Your blood type is permanent. You can use first name only, if no one else has commented under that name before. Your world is nothing like you think. At your first prenatal visit, your blood will be tested to determine your blood type and your Rh status.If you do have the Rh factor, as most people do, your status is Rh positive. Too many negative risks associated with the poisonjab.I would suggest against it. Whether someone is a life-long follower of Jesus or just curious about Christianity's beliefs, followers, history, and practices, Christianity FAQ aims to offer trustworthy information that is easy to understand. For this reason O Negative blood can be sent to anyone without antibodies to those parts going on. Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. I use to catch everything, sore throats, flue I would catch Hence why the world seems to be going downhill, and why there have been more than 600,000 missing children every year in the US alone. So it is not a silly question. In good health. Rh negative blood effects from Rh negative angels. It is impossible to pinpoint the exact cause of its existence except for a mutation that took place tens of thousands of years ago. maybe us rh- people come from reptiles lolnever know. And the gene of the Rh-positive blood piece of action was extirpating in the Rhesus box. afib! Those who believe that the descendants of the Nephilim exist today do so in defiance of what Genesis records. This is the good news, we can have all the blessings in this life through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross regardless of our blood type. And likely high in Rh negative frequencies. Generally, there are about 40 45% of Europeans who belong to theRh negative group. Also, God is love, and his love is unconditional. Definitely do some research on it because it can play a big role in many aspects of your world. Rhesus factor, referred to as the Rh factor, is a protein in the human blood. No food allergies that I know of though, and I love all kinds of food. I have pollen allergies too. RH-factor is crucial in blood. . But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian, for in. The Nephilim are mysterious beings or people in the Hebrew Bible who are large and strong. What does the Bible say about rh negative blood? Thorough, about 40 45% of Europeans have the Rh-negative grouponly about 3% of African descendants and about 1% of Asians. The Bible makes several references to the children of men and the children of Divine beings and humans. ], 39 Powerful Live Fearless Quotes and Takeaways [Be You! A, B, AB, and O are the four common blood types present among humans and are usually inherited from the parents and are determined by pair of genes. What Does the Bible Say About Rh Negative Blood? In Schreiner's view, "strange flesh" refers to men's bodies, as opposed to women's bodies. some say it is the lack thereof. ], 10 Best Christian Weight Loss Books [Possible! I agree, I am O Negative, have had measles, mumps, chickenpox as a child, never vaccinated for anything other than Tetanus. However, according to one controversial theory that has surfaced in modern times, those who are mentioned in Genesis 6:1-4 and Numbers 13:33 as Nephilim may have had Rh-negative blood running through their veins. I know my body knows how to resist. In the old testament, many people donated animals dimmed. When Solomon's Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC, the tribe of Dan migrated from Jerusalem into the kingdom of Kush, which is now modern-day Ethiopia and Sudan. Started with the flu in Febr. The Rhesus factor, specifically rhesus negative, has been a topic of interest for discussionsin medicalscience for a long time. Lacking Rh factor canlead to problems especially incases where blood transfusion or organ transplant is needed urgently. Joel 2:31 The sun will be turned into darkness And the moon into blood. At three months miscarried. . It is my understanding, the most recent breakdowns (by race) are from the 1970s, suggesting the overall % may now be as low as 7-9% worldwide. It is difficult to pinpoint the specific purpose except for a change tens of thousands of years ago. The average among most people is only 15%-Rh negative, while some groups have very little. The RH factor is a protein located in the human blood straight linked to the Rhesus Monkey. People who are found to be Rh negative havbe a range of different, often genetic conditions that they have to be tested for. In other words, the Rh positive baby is perceived by the mother's negative immune-system as something hostile, something not quite as it should be. In the same sense as the blood type Rh negative, the lineage was considered to be a very rare one or at least, a rarer sight than the blood type you would have found in the rest of the population of the time. Is a sign of great intellect. Suppose the RH-negative circumstance is a normal performance of blood. What does the Bible say about rh negative blood? Those are the people the enemy wants to influence and will not have your back in the fight for freedom and truth. For the life of every creature is its blood., He has no need, like those high priests, to offer sacrifices daily, first for his own sins and then for those of the people, since he did this once for all when he offered up himself., And to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel., Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus,, But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.. Didnt know anything about my blood type till last year thanks to other negatives blogs. Ezekiel 3:18 When I say to the wicked, You will surely die, and you do not warn him or speak out to warn the wicked from his wicked way that he may live, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. Even renowned Jewish and Christian scholars express uncertainty about the details and meaning of the verses and passages that mention them. In consummation ending in giants recognized as Nephilims blood type. They will take the side of the most popular and not have your back. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. So we can have 99.8%? I never get sick, I brag about it as my students would cough on me, hand in their germs on their work and I thought I had built up resistance to germs. what can i do to neutralize the effects of the I dont have a tail) I can hyper extend or am double jointed. So when they have their torture/murder sacrifices, they like to do it over the Earths leigh (energy) lines, when the planets are lined up the right way, and during our holidays, such as Christmas Eve. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. However ancient legends tell us that original man had Rh Negative blood, which science is unable to track because it originated in the polar region, which is now under ice . Did home pregnancy test. Ive not had any or heard of migraines as an issue with negatives. The story of god v the devil, is highly mutilated. What influences does having Rh-negative blood type have on your. No exceptions. good and bad are just concepts, there are just beings who want workers and slaves and beings who want us to be enlightened so we join the next level of existence. Our tranny RH positive people do have the RH factor. He did have Coronary Heart Disease tho. Throwing this idea out there, not to argue at all. You can take steps so you and your baby stay healthy. Not your fines moment, oh bright one. Im seeing the alien origins to humanitys way of life Im seeing the the control systems and their sources are becoming clearer and clearer. A lamb or cow held an important place in the family home as an asset and it was one way of giving up some of what you have in thanks for the Lord. Father white, brown hair, blue eyes, of English, American Indian, African cross. I dont think Ive had it yet. In this way, blood is considered to be life-force. Not just food but plastics and cosmetics. Your theory is intriguing I believe, but am hesitant to assume we are special God destroyed all men in the flood Except a chosen few Both leigh lines and the movement of celestial bodies have to do with energy, such as the energy we feel when theres a full moon. I have had no vaccinations and I dont take medication, I never get sick, and I believe we are immune to most viruses. There is no monkey ancestor. There are scholars that take each of these views. That is the case with my grandmother and I. Blood can mean family ties, but the Bible also refers to blood that has been shed through times of war or conflict.